
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Turbocharger | Supercharger


                     Increase efficiency of the internal combustion engine by increase the compression ratio. And increase compression by increase flow of air density. Supercharger is device which increase the density of air before air go to the combustion chamber. Supercharger increase compression ratio. Therefore Supercharger is increase the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Supercharger increase air supply to the engine.

How to work Supercharger ?

              Supercharger is device which increase the air density which give to the engine. Supercharger is air compressor which connected to the internal combustion engine and take air from atmosphere. Air compressor rotate by internal combustion engine. Atmospheric air compress into the compressor. The compressed air go to combustion chamber. The air go to into the combustion chamber which air density high which increase the combustion and therefore it increase the efficiency of the engine.

But there is some disadvantages of the supercharger are below :

• The compressor take power from internal combustion engine therefore it reduce some power of the engine. 
• Its initial cost is also high therefore it is not use in small car.



            From some disadvantages of the supercharger we use turbocharger in the vehicle. Turbocharger is one type of supercharger. Turbocharger is give high efficiency compare to Supercharger. 

How to work turbocharger ?

       In Turbocharger turbine is connected to the exhaust of the internal combustion engine when exhaust gases out from the engine which rotate the turbine and turbine is connected to the compressor. Compressor is rotate by turbine and compressor is compress the atmospheric air give to internal combustion engine. It increase the efficiency of the engine.

     Turbocharger use in heavy car. It is not use in small car because its cost is high. 

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