
Saturday, December 15, 2018

11:53 PM

Engine Governor

                  Engine Governor

                Every time engine has not same load. But different time different load on the engine. But vehicle required same speed during running the engine. Therefore flywheel use to constant speed provide to the engine.
Types of Governors

                Therefore Governor is use. Governor is a type of mechanical device which is generally used to determine and regulate the speed of the engine to the desired level. It is a particular feedback system used where is the need to control variation of load present in the system. When the load of an engine increases the speed of engine decreases and vice versa when the load on the engine decreases speed of the engine. Governor is play very important role in fluid control system.

Types of Governors :

1) centrifugal Governor :

   • Pendulum type
     a) Watt Governor

   • Gravity Loaded
    a) Porter Governor
    b) Proell Governor

   • Spring Loaded
   a) Hartnell Governor
   b) Wilson Hartnell Governor
   c) Hartung Governor
   d) Pickering Governor

2) inertia Governor

Working of Governor :

     When engine load increase than Governor rotation speed also increase than flow of fluid speed also increase hence it gives high flow fluid to the engine and maintain the speed.
     When engine load decrease than Governor rotation speed also decrease than flow of fluid speed also increase hence it gives low fuild to the engine and maintain the speed.
3:48 AM

Turbocharger | Supercharger


                     Increase efficiency of the internal combustion engine by increase the compression ratio. And increase compression by increase flow of air density. Supercharger is device which increase the density of air before air go to the combustion chamber. Supercharger increase compression ratio. Therefore Supercharger is increase the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Supercharger increase air supply to the engine.

How to work Supercharger ?

              Supercharger is device which increase the air density which give to the engine. Supercharger is air compressor which connected to the internal combustion engine and take air from atmosphere. Air compressor rotate by internal combustion engine. Atmospheric air compress into the compressor. The compressed air go to combustion chamber. The air go to into the combustion chamber which air density high which increase the combustion and therefore it increase the efficiency of the engine.

But there is some disadvantages of the supercharger are below :

• The compressor take power from internal combustion engine therefore it reduce some power of the engine. 
• Its initial cost is also high therefore it is not use in small car.



            From some disadvantages of the supercharger we use turbocharger in the vehicle. Turbocharger is one type of supercharger. Turbocharger is give high efficiency compare to Supercharger. 

How to work turbocharger ?

       In Turbocharger turbine is connected to the exhaust of the internal combustion engine when exhaust gases out from the engine which rotate the turbine and turbine is connected to the compressor. Compressor is rotate by turbine and compressor is compress the atmospheric air give to internal combustion engine. It increase the efficiency of the engine.

     Turbocharger use in heavy car. It is not use in small car because its cost is high. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

11:53 PM

Engine parts | Diesel engine parts | Petrol engine parts

                   Engine parts

             In internal combustion engine has different type parts available. Internal combustion engine produce high therefore engine parts made from high strength material. There are different engine parts are below :

Petrol engine parts | Diesel engine parts

1) Cylinder :

Cylinder is the heart of the engine. The fuel go to the cylinder for combustion. Also cylinder guide the piston. And cylinder guide the fuel.

2) Piston :

Piston is compressed the fuel which come from the intake valve. Piston give linear motion to the engine.

3) Crankshaft : 

Crankshaft is connected to the piston which converts to linear motion into the rotary motion. Crankshaft is also connected to the flywheel which give power to the engine.

4) Connecting rod :

Connecting rod is connect to the piston and crankshaft. Connecting rod  transmit the power.

5) Piston pin :

Piston pin is connected to piston and connecting rod.

6) Flywheel :

Flywheel is give power various to engine with various load. 

7) Spark plug :

Spark plug is use only in petrol engine. It is not use in diesel engine. Spark plug ignite the fuel inside the cylinder and produce power for engine.

8) Carburettor :

Carburettor is use only in petrol engine. Its function is to proper mix air and petrol before fuel go to the cylinder.

9) Fuel injection :

Fuel injection use in diesel engine. Its function is inject the fuel with high compression air to cylinder.

10) Radiator :

When fuel burnt inside the cylinder then produce high temperature therefore it required to reduce temperature of the engine. Therefore radiator use to reduce the temperature of the engine.
2:53 AM

4 stroke diesel engine | 4 stroke petrol engine

               Four stroke engine

Four stroke engine

              Now day every engine is four stroke but previous time use to two stroke engine. Four stroke engine is high efficient compare to the two stroke engine. Four stroke engine has more advantages comparer to the two stroke engine. In four stroke engine does not require fuel mix with oil. Four stroke engine complete one cycle in four stroke. Four stroke same in petrol and diesel engine but some difference in ignition process. 

How to work four stroke petrol and diesel engine ?

There are four stroke available in four stroke petrol and diesel engine.
1) Intake stroke
2) Compression stroke
3) Power stroke
4) Exhaust stroke

1) Intake stroke :

In intake stroke pressure difference between atmospheric pressure and inside cylinder pressure the intake valve open therefore fuel and air  go into the cylinder in petrol engine and when fuel go into the cylinder in diesel engine piston move TDC ( Top Dead Centre) to BDC ( Bottom Dead Centre). In intake stroke exhaust valve close. After intake stroke intake valve close.

2) Compression stroke :

In compression stroke both intake valve and exhaust valve close. During compression stroke piston goes to TDC ( Top Dead Centre) to BDC ( Bottom Dead Centre). Then fuel will be compress. 

3) Power stroke :

In power stroke both intake and exhaust valve close. During Power stroke the compress fuel is ignited by spark plug in petrol engine and when hot air gases ignite fuel in diesel engine. In power stroke after ignition the piston move from TDC (Top Dead Centre) to BDC ( Bottom Dead Centre). In this stroke power is produce.

4) Exhaust stroke :

After power stroke fuel gases produced. It required to remove them out of the engine. In exhaust stroke due to pressure difference between cylinder and atmospheric pressure the exhaust valve open and fuel gases out of the cylinder. During exhaust stroke intake valve close. After exhaust stroke crankshaft take one revolution. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

11:56 PM

Internal combustion engine | Petrol and diesel engine

                  Internal combustion engine

             Internal combustion engine also known as IC engine. Internal combustion engine which generates motive power by the burning of petrol, diesel or other fuel with air inside the engine, the hot gases produced being used to drive a piston or do other work as they expand. IC engine has large application. IC engine use in transportation vehicle, prime mover, bike, car etc. IC engine produce high power therefore it is use in heavy vehicles transportation. In the world different type of internal combustion engines are available.

Classification of internal combustion engines :

The internal combustion engines may be classified in the following ways:

1) According to the type of fuel used

   a. Petrol engines
   b. Diesel engines
   c. Gas engines

a. Petrol engines :
    In this type of engines working fuild use as petrol. Petrol engines can't produce high torque therefore this type of engines use in small vehicles like bike, car etc.

b. Diesel engines :
    In this type of engines working fuild use as diesel. Diesel engines can produce high torque therefore this type of engines use in transportation vehicles and heavy vehicles like truck.

c. Gas engines :
    In this type of engines working fuild use as gas. Gas engines can't produce high torque but it is economical therefore this type of engines use in small vehicles

2) According to the method of igniting the fuel

   a. Spark ignition engines
   b. Compression ignition engines

a. Spark ignition engines :
    In this type of engines fuel ignition by spark plug. Spark ignition engine is petrol engine. In this type of engines petrol ignite by spark plug and then combustion start.

b. Compression ignition engines :
    In this type of engines fuel ignition by compression. Compression ignition engine is Diesel engine. In this type of engines diesel ignite by compression and then combustion start.

3) According to the number of strokes per cycle :

   a. Four stroke cycle engines
   b. Two stroke cycle engines

a. Four stroke cycle engines :
    In this type of engine has four stroke to complete one cycle. In present time four stroke cycle engines use. In first stroke fuel inlet into the cylinder. In second stroke combustion start. In third stroke power produce. And in fourth stroke exhaust gases out from the cylinder. 

b. Two stroke cycle engines :
    In this type of engine has two stroke to complete one cycle. In present time two stroke cycle engines can't use. In first stroke fuel inlet into the cylinder and combustion start. In second stroke power produce and exhaust gases out from the cylinder.

4) According to the cycle of operation :

   a. Otto cycle engines
   b. Diesel cycle engines
   c. Dual cycle engines

a. Otto cycle engines :
    Which engine works on Otto cycle its called Otto cycle engines. Petrol engine is Otto cycle engines. It also called constant pressure cycle engines.

b. Diesel cycle engines :
    Which engine works on Diesel cycle its called diesel cycle engine. Diesel engine is Diesel cycle engines. It also called constant volume cycle engines.

c. Dual cycle engines :
    Which engines works on Otto and diesel cycle its called dual cycle engines.
3:12 AM

Piston engine | Types of engines

                    Piston engine 

                 There are so many car available in the world. Different car has different type of engine. Therefore, it produces different power of the car. Here types of engines according to Piston arrangements in the engine are below.

Types of engines according to Piston arrangements in the engine :

1) Inline engine
2) V engine
3) W engine

1) Inline engine :

Types of engines

               An inline engine is a reciprocating engine with banks of cylinders, one behind another, rather than rows of cylinders, but rarely more than six.

              An inline engine take more space compare to the v engine. Therefore, it required large space to produce more power. Therefore, inline engine use only small car which requires less power.

2) V engine :

Type of engines

                A V engine, is a common configuration for an internal combustion engine. The cylinders and pistons are aligned, in two separate planes or banks, so that they appear to be in a 'v' when viewed along the axis of the crankshaft.

              A V engine is take less space compare to inline engine. Therefore, it required less space to produce more power. Therefore, V engine use in heavy car where requires large power. In V engine has 6 or more piston.

3) W engine :

Types of engines

             A W engine is a type of reciprocating engine arranged with its cylinders in a configuration in which the cylinder banks resemble the letter W, in the same way those of a V engine resemble the letter V.

           A W engine is take very less space compare to V and inline engine. Therefore, it required less space to produce more power.  W engine design is very compicacomp therefore its use very less car engine.